Fascination with Brutalist movement in architecture led to the series of form studies where simple elements serve as modules taking on similar approach to modular brutalist structures. This project combines objects uncommon to building design (3D models of robots, bugs, scans of flowers and chunks of existing buildings). Each element has been prescribed series of instructions such as interlocking, repetition and rotation through custom scripts in order to achieve the results reminiscent of late XX century structures creating Neo-Brutalist objects.
These compositions are then broken into flat elevations in order to apply façade treatments generated by AI trained on custom datasets of architectural elements such as tiles and existing façades.

raw elevation from generated 3D model

AI generated façade trained on a custom Moroccan tile dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Moroccan tile dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Moroccan tile dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Moroccan tile dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Computer Chips dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Computer Chips dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Industrial Facades dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Industrial Facades dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Eastern European Brutalism dataset
AI generated façade trained on a custom Eastern European Brutalism dataset
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