Our design proposal introduces a vibrant waterfront promenade to enhance urban life, offering versatile spaces for various activities and entertainment. Emphasizing landscape design, we plan to incorporate lush canopy trees and green trellises, with pathways leading to the water, creating a welcoming environment. The proposal also includes adaptable open areas for community events, such as markets, festivals, and fitness activities, aiming to create a year-round lively space for everyone. This design seeks to forge a stronger connection between the guests and the waterfront, making it a central, cherished community spot.
We have developed two proposals featuring different form factors. Option 1 is based on idea of urban terrace providing vertical program division. Option 2 was inspired by the flow of water and isle formations.
Option 1 - Terrace
Option 1 - Terrace
Option 2 - Water
Option 2 - Water
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